So Lance Armstrong has given up his fight against the US Anti-Doping Agency regarding alleged use of performance enhancers during his seven-year run as the Tour de France champion. In his statement following his decision not to go to arbitration with the USADA Armstrong continued to proclaim his innocence, branded the investigation a witch hunt, invoked his hundreds of negative drug tests and insisted his decision to discontinue the battle was based solely on fatigue from years of fighting.

There are plenty of questions about what’s going on with the USADA. And while Armstrong has clearly made some powerful (as well as pathetic – I’m looking at you Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton) enemies over the years, he maintains some powerful supporters – namely the international and US cycling federations, who both backed Armstrong in his Federal lawsuit against USADA that was recently thrown out, although the judge…

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Terinspirasi setelah membaca artikel dari salah satu sesepuh yaitu tentang pentingnya isi dan kwalitas artikel pada posting blog yang mengedepankan manfaatnya untuk orang banyak, sehingga secara tidak langsung akan membantu peningkatan pagerank pada blog kita.

Maka pada postingan kali ini saya akan coba dengan tag Cara pasang animasi flash pada blog, yang mana trik ini sempat bikin isi otak saya jadi memanas dalam beberapa hari.

Bagaimana nggak  puyeng? karena masalahnya saya masih sangat awam dengan yang namanya kode html maupun kode javascript.

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Cindy McIntyre's Blog

“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, “Eat, Pray, Love”


Large crepe myrtle on Auburn Avenue

That’s another gem of E-P-L wisdom that works well with today’s blog.  It reminds me of my favorite philosophy from Alice Walker:  “It pisses God off if you walk past the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice.”

It’s hard to not notice a crepe myrtle in full bloom.  And that’s why it is my favorite tree.

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